Dear Dad…

deardadI got word that my father was admitted to the hospital and released back home, yet again. He’s been in and out of hospitals for the last 4 years from stroke, dementia, diabetes, mismanagement of medications and now a serious bout with the flu. At almost 80 years old, as you know, the flu can be deadly.

I knew that embarking on this around the world sabbatical adventure it would leave me further removed from my father. Even though there is great technology that keeps me in touch with people halfway around the world, my father’s dementia continues to progress to the point of times not being able to figure out how to use the mobile phone and even a television remote. Let alone to manage his dozen or so medications by himself. I’m grateful to my brother and to all the people over there that are helping to care for him.

I am a truth teller. I speak truth. People have a hard time with it when it asks them to look at themselves in the mirror. I have been told I am different, too much, untrustworthy, judgmental, Mr. Congeniality, narcissistic and even accused of having behavioral problems. Both, in my personal life and in my career. It leaves me a loner in life at times. I’m only stating facts, I’m not the victim. It leaves me with no other choice than to listen and trust the spirit inside of me that I’m being the best of service even when there is great push-back. This is the case with my father.

I cannot object to people rejecting what I am inviting them into or offering to them. It would be nice for me to think that all people can grow together beyond the idea that we are troubled continually by the never-ending self-created suffering inside the human condition, however unlikely that is to happen. And I cannot continue to waste my time trying to think that everyone is capable of going beyond their thinking mind and release into the spirit of life and living all the time. I have my moments of contraction too.

I visited Colorado last year twice, one time for an extended visit to help my father post hospitalization for one of his strokes. He had asked me to come and I was on the next plane to visit him. Throughout all the visits with home nurses, physical therapists, attorneys, financial planners, doctors, insurance companies, friends, family and even an 8-day stay in an Alzheimer’s hospital unit. It was evident that my father was entering or had entered the end of life stage. Nothing terminal, just yielding to the inevitable… our own mortality.

There were lots of opinions on how things should be done from family and friends. Even writing this online, I believe will upset some people because they think this is a private family matter. No more hiding, no more secrets, we all need to go through something like this eventually. I’ve become exhausted and tired of keeping secrets and the betrayals which emerge from keeping secrets. This all stops with me.

Please forgive me, repeatedly. I ask for forgiveness and offer my apologies, I had once again upset my family, my father this time. I was asked to step in and assist him with managing his affairs and without hesitation I joyfully accepted. And then, behind the scenes, I was removed from doing so, with no word or conversation, leaving my brother on the line to deal with it all. The story was eventually changed, covering up the real story, that I was to be leaving the country, so I needed to be removed from all responsibilities.

Dementia is the disease that caused this, it does some weird things to people and very sad to the families that are forced to deal with it. I didn’t take it personally nor get upset because I knew dementia was the culprit. Sadly, at the same time, I felt the disease create more distance between my father and me and my brother.

We are all going to do our own end of life the way we want to do it when we are fortunate enough to be given the choice. I respect the unbelievable strength of the human will and my father’s desire to live in his home, even when he has times where he wants to sell his house and leave.

All of this that I mention is in the past. The past doesn’t exist anymore. Forgiveness releases the grip that the past has on me. Only the grief and sadness that lies in me time after time, witnessing event after event regarding my father’s deterioration, with great resistance, into his own mortality. I have a hope that he can someday he can let go into my brother, who loves him so much and is there to support him and fulfill his wishes on how he wants to do the end of his life.

mydadI have always said my father is one of the happiest go-lucky people I know. He has always followed his dreams and desires and even quit his jobs spontaneously when things weren’t going quite right. He makes friends everywhere he goes and can hold a conversation with just about anyone. He has been a role model in my life to not give in to societal beliefs and to live my life and follow my dreams. I have told my father all of this. Maybe he will be able to read this and hear again how much I love him and how much I appreciated the way he has lived his life and wants to be living through the end of his life.

No more resistance…

It’s important that I continue to release the grief of what it means to continue to lose my father to the disease of dementia and to death, we are all on the same path, only different paths. This is one way I want to continue to release the grief. I don’t care anymore, who gets to see the inside of my personal life, students, clients, friends, family. Forgive me if I have upset you. Please realize this isn’t about you and it’s my way of becoming free.

Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door

I know that I’m a prisoner
To all my Father held so dear
I know that I’m a hostage
To all his hopes and fears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought
Stilted conversations
I’m afraid that’s all we’ve got

You say you just don’t see it
He says it’s perfect sense
You just can’t get agreement
In this present tense
We all talk a different language
Talking in defense

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It’s too late when we die
To admit we don’t see eye to eye





So Don’t yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different day
And if you don’t give up, and don’t give in
You may just be OK.

So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It’s the bitterness that lasts

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It’s too late when we die
To admit we don’t see eye to eye

I wasn’t there that morning
When my Father passed away
I didn’t get to tell him
All the things I had to say

I think I caught his spirit
Later that same year
I’m sure I heard his echo
In my baby’s new born tears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It’s too late when we die
To admit we don’t see eye to eye



Through The Living Years

To Loving Well

we-don-t-learn-to-love-each-other-well-inMy sharp edges are being rounded off, like a carpenter’s chamfer
Softening, weathered by wisdom of the ages, being still, accepting
Knowing there is nothing to lose anymore
Other than my body, back to the earth

Whom might I think to identify myself as, the words describing personality, career, my existence
Any attachment to understand myself, matters not
Only how I can give from the depths of my heart back to myself and to others, because
Love knows no limits or boundaries created by the mind

I need nothing in return from my offerings, only a remembrance,
That any voice of inadequacy, needing or wanting
Comes from a place of contraction inside my small self, hopefully temporarily,
Only to be removed by the hearts longing
To transmit the love that’s meant to travel through, as me.

The quiet solitude of lands lightly traveled
Brings delight to all of my senses
Realizing and knowing I am blessed to be moving and exploring the earth
Grateful for the gifts the mother has to offer and to be a fortunate participant .

The sounds of silence brings my mind into stillness
Reminding me of how insignificant any thought I may have
The dramatic change of seasons and tides are constant reminders of
The ebb and flow of the life I want to be comfortable living… never stagnant, forever changing

The tears well up in my eyes full of realizations and gratitude for a well lived life
Making and appreciating the time for self-reflection
Along with the beauty of connection to the land, others and the spirit within
And dreaming in the possibilities of fulfilling the next desire

Blessed to have people reveal themselves to me in my life, as a reminder
To graciously receive the love I strive to so generously give and
Continuing to open myself, wider, even wider to find deeper and even more
Depths to the unending love that I have to give.

Within the mother, the earth, Gaia, I can always have faith in her gifts
Emerging, once again, birth and death, and repeating the process, continuously,
Becoming one with her and with myself, again and again
Bringing me back in connection with the laws of nature, my true self, realizing the best self I can be.
Never having to imagine there is a possibility that I can get even better.

My day to day life requires the time to pause, to breathe to stop
To stop the thinking mind who thinks it knows better than the heart
Not allowing the self to travel with the minds thoughts
Because the mind is for creativity and realizing the truths of the heart
The mind and its thoughts aren’t the truths
Only the language of the heart knows the truth

forgivemeI yearn to be met in the place of the truth of the heart
Beating heart to beating heart, nothing else is really acceptable
Mistakes and errors will be made, and I need to give myself the permission for that to be OK
To allow errors to be corrected and forgiven, corrected and forgiven, … any perfection is unattainable

Perfection means to make room for forgiveness and the making of space for the correction of errors
The practice of forgiving myself, ourselves… and therefore… extending forgiveness to others
Being human means imperfection
And the willingness to come back to love

Time after time, any negative self-thought I have of myself or
My ego’s contraction that takes me out of love
Needs to be only ever so briefly engaged, realized and curiously looked at
Would a hawk ever lose patience waiting for the next meal?
Coming back to the present form, knowing… knowing only love is the truth

Even those temporary attacks on myself in judgment of being too much or not enough
Helps my realization of how I am a creature of judgement because
I carry inside of myself a hidden and protected place of past hurts that only want to be released
To heal them and not be dragged around by those memories

Seeing any of my minds critical and judgmental attacks, within or without,
Are only a disguise of asking for help
A reaching out for help, for directions, to find my way back home… back to love
Because sometimes, we all need reminders of how to get back to home
To the place of the practice, of what it means and looks like to be…

Loving Well.


Chef’s sabbatical: An analysis of chef’s gastronomic research through culinary tourism

qualifiedeaterIn my search of the internet to see if there was anyone else that had done some degree of food tourism around culinary arts, gastronomy and food innovation research like I am doing, I came across this. I look forward to bring back my knowledge of Indian and Thailand food products and cooking techniques and see where I can incorporate them in my work.

This article should appeal to my scientist and academia friends and teachers. My friends Linda and Nayab in Kerala, India who I have been working with to develop a culinary tourism program I think will be most interested.


youdontbecomechef  agequote












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International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science –  Author: Watson Baldwin

Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, 12F South Block, 133 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

Chefs have long looked to various aspects of food, culinary trends, restaurants and their peers for inspiration. So
much that they take time away from the line to go deep into culinary cultures across the globe as spectators,
diners, tourists and even as line cooks to find the inspiration behind their new dishes or menu items. The premise
of a chef’s sabbatical is not a new theory or trend, but rather a new explanation of a rite of passage in the culinary
world via culinary tourism. At the start of a chef’s career, they are encouraged to work and gather experience
from a number of restaurants before becoming an Executive Chef. However, when they do become an Executive
Chef, it is difficult to take on multiple tasks or work at different restaurants to further their knowledge outside
the kitchen. This is where the chef’s sabbatical premise is put forward.

This is the full article in pdf file – Click here to read article in full …
Chef’s sabbatical: An analysis of chef’s gastronomic research through culinary tourism


The Duality of Human Nature and The Search for Universality – Thailand, February 4, 2019

loveandforgivenessJust below our rational façade of humanity lies a turbulent darkness that is kept in check by the good that happens in life’s everyday existence and excitement. When examining the duality of human nature, it seems to fall under two different categories, good versus evil in the struggle of light and dark, or the thinking mind versus our animalistic biological impulses that are programmed beyond the mind’s thinking. When human’s animal nature is investigated, it is typically around how a person can decline into darkness. When someone is under extreme stress, under the grips of insanity, or throwing inhibitions aside, what was once a rational human being is left turned into a rageful psychopath unfit for normal society.

Before we came on this long journey through duality we came from a state of oneness spiritually and physically. This is what actually caused the world of duality to come into existence and why it is important to see the part we play in it to understand where we are ultimately trying to go. We came from a place of unity, physical oneness and connected through love and gratitude. After a time, we wanted to experience more on our own. This is where the separation happened both physically as we left the mother and spiritually when we separated from god.

EarthLoveUnityAs a result of experiencing the duality in this physical/spiritual separation, we eventually become longing for home and the state of unity that was once created by love. We realize that all of us are connected on the same journey of experiencing duality through the human condition and continually trying to remember and be reminded where it was we came from. Once we remember where it is we came from and who we are as divine creatures, we are then able to create something better than from where we came from. This is the birth of compassion.

We have created both love and hate and we have also discovered ways we can confront and welcome hatred with acceptance and kindness. This is the transformation of fear into love and gratefulness with compassion. We are currently in the process of being able to transform any situation into one which can hold higher levels of love and gratitude.

– – – – – –yinyang– – – – – – 

unity-of-loveAs my 60-day visa is about to expire and my time in Thailand comes to an and I get to experience the duality of human nature. The joyful feelings of being blessed to have made friends and having the depths of conversation and connection, to the feelings of sadness and grief of not wanting the beauty of these connections to all come to an end. I can feel the pull inside of my heart as we share another meal together and converse about other topics that bring us closer to unity and oneness inside of ourselves and to each other.

There is no doubt that the bonds of friendship that have been created with people I have met along my journey are unbreakable and some might even say eternal. At the same time, my mind wants to protect myself and my heart from the sadness, grief and heartbreak I am experiencing from the physical separation.  I can hear the voice inside of me telling me how I shouldn’t open myself up to receiving the generosity and goodness of people because the pain of separation and loss is too great. It’s sometimes hard to believe the truth that the friendships I have created are never ending through the pain in my heart. This is the duality I am describing above.

LoveUnityI am in the process of creating that bridge of loving the pain in my sadness and grief because it comes from a higher vibration of love that seems to be out of my reach at the moment. I ask myself, if I could choose to do things differently, would I? Would I trade in any of the special times I have spent with Reeta, Moo, Jilly, Thupten, Heather, Min, Kay, Lauri, Gupta, Moosa, Linda, Thomas, Nayab, Melissa, Pratima, Nirmala… and others I have shared deeper connections with? Absolutely not… the feelings of separation, loss and grief are worth experiencing as those feelings get transformed into the unity of god’s love right before my eyes as I sit with the duality of being human. It’s through experiencing everything being in this human body that I get to experience the unity of life and god’s love.


Don’t love me until the sky doesn’t have to find sweet words. As you said Is still deep.

* I only love one word
Means this alone
I want to hear again that she loved me

** Do not love the sky, but I love the original, do not have more, but love does not diminish
Do not love until eternally as long as I’m still breathing, like. old Let’s keep the same

Don’t have to force yourself because of me
Don’t have to dream of being like anyone.
Before being like, it is like the old, the same love that has ever been given, how much love is not important, saying that still love each other Want this


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