Inclusion’s Lack Of Discernment

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Everybody’s got a place in the circle.

Inside the circle, as opposed to a line quality which is about competition, everyone is always sitting face to face. That’s the circles natural condition. Where everyone has got a place. Geometrically speaking, every point on the circle is equidistant from the center. It’s the complete opposite of a line.

Why is it important that everyone has a place in the circle, where someone or something is included into a group or structure? The circle includes and welcomes all our diversity… gender, blacks, whites, jews, gays, and keeps on welcoming. One of the big movements in the evolution of human consciousness in the last several decades was to include so much that was excluded. Where all the people that were wrongly excluded get included. (Sit with that one for a minute).

Inclusion also means everyone has a representative “seat” around the table. Everyone! It means all systems of thought and belief, all great religions, all schools of psychology. Where NO ONE is smart enough to be entirely wrong. Where individuals who sit inside the circle and bring their truth to the table realize their truth is only a part of the whole. Your perspective is true, but only partially true according to the circle. It’s in that understanding where everyone gets a place around the table, and understanding that you can’t make your truth, which is only a part of a whole, the truth of the circle.

And there’s this concept inside group processes where I get to speak for as long as I want. As I sit around the circle, that goes intermittently, where everyone goes on forever and ever and ever, and no decision ever gets made. Anyone who’s ever been in that kind of context knows that kind of circle can be paralyzing because there’s no discernment when everyone gets to talk for as long as they want. There’s no sense of expertise. There’s no distinction. No decisions get made. This is the shadow of inclusion. The inability to make decisions or having a lack of discernment. Where everything gets dumped in the circle, and we lose the ability to evaluate, and sometimes forgetting that discernment’s are actually necessary.

What about art or music or writing? It’s a creative outlet we all have. Is all of it great like Beethoven and Picasso and Thoreau just because we welcome everyone and their own unique artistic expression into the etsy/facebook/flickr/blogspot circle? Not all music is the same, and not all literature is the same. Not all art is the same. When we lose discernment in music and art and literature, we lose something essential, the arousing creative desire that drives human beings.

Now that I have some of the externalities out of the way, I want to take a look deeper on the inside. The parts of myself that I excluded from myself over time. Where I have narrowed my own identity. I began this life as a full range, large scale, 360-degree whole person. And then, someone came into my life and they didn’t like some part of me, so I shut that part of myself down. And then someone else came and they got a little disappointment for some other part of myself, so I shut that part of myself down. And then a couple of years later, I had another teacher, or another bunch of girls and boys in school who didn’t like something, and I shut yet another part of myself down.  And pretty soon, I’m 45 years old, waking up to living inside only the few parts left of myself because I have excluded so many parts over time.

It’s then I realized that I started my life’s journey as a whole person and then begin to question how I allowed myself to fearfully narrow my own identity so much by excluding certain parts. I start re-including parts that I had dismissed over time. The embodied pleasures of the previously dismissed body begin to get re-included as part of my human existence. The dismissed pain of old broken hearts and the protection mechanisms I built to keep myself from hurt, begin to soften, as I continue to re-incorporate parts of my lost self. I keep developing a new relationship with my negative self thoughts and realize the inherent goodness in my hearts desires and my entire being. The parts of myself I dismissed outside the circle begin to get re-included. That is the start of re-inclusion as it begins to do it’s shadow work, where we must take a look at what we placed outside the circle.

And at some point, as we continue to do our personal and group shadow work and we include all that has been excluded from our lives, we realize we can be individually (and as a group) whole again with only the most life affirming positive intentions, actions and thoughts towards self and others.

(This teaching on lines, circles, unique self and hieros gamos is sourced from Marc Gafni’s presentation at Shalom Mountain Wisdom School. Spring 2014)

Relationship as Spiritual Practice

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Modern-day relationships are challenging and full of opportunities for increased personal awareness and growth. As our society enters a time of transition from the ego and the thinking mind to body/heart connection and personal enlightenment, we are experiencing and experimenting with different ways of being with our and each others pain. “Being” with our (and the others) discomfort/pain can bring up all kinds of conflict, such as defensiveness, blaming, and even shaming the other for how we are feeling instead of owning our own experience.

A deep, loving and intimate relationship brings up, as a matter of course, all of our love wounds from the past. There is no surprise when some of us who claim to be “spiritual” use our sense of spirituality to try to remain above the pain and discomfort that these deep relationships bring up, so we don’t have to deal with the relational woundings of our past. When these woundings of the past are not dealt with directly, however, they have a tendency to show up as “shadow” and we continue to behave and act in our old protective states to keep us from re-experiencing the pain.

Relationships will never evolve without dealing with these wounds, and there is nothing more perfect to heal those wounds than being in a loving relationship. It is important to realize these woundings are relational in nature and that the only way to be free of them is to feel them completely and have a full-on conscious experience.

When your partner behaves in a way that expresses anger or disappointment or even any kind of unconscious behavior, I would invite you to take a look at how you may be receiving this information. Can you relinquish the desire to “fix-it”, let go of any perception/judgment you may have about their experience, not get defensive, and simply receive the information knowing your partner is showing you a place where they have been hurt?

People are either loving us fully or showing us where they have been hurt.

The only way to gain access to the bountiful fruit that an intimate relationship can bear, is to get rid of our conditioned defensive patterns. By staying in old patterns of defensiveness, we limit the depth of intimacy that can be experienced in our relationships. As our protective ego lets go of our defensive nature in the face of wanting to love well, we can experience the desire of raw human connection and intimacy.

We need to allow all of our old constructs and our ego’s defensive frameworks to come apart. It’s not until then that we begin to find our most perfect imperfection at the core of our being. In order to grow as spiritual beings, we need to welcome these dirty/messy parts of ourselves to the surface. Their presence is not the ego making some bad or some unnecessary, horrible mistake. Rather, they are providing the invaluable “grist for the mill” that makes our transformation possible and even probable.

What does it take to have a relationship as spiritual practice? All it asks is for you to become involved in some sort of engagement with people, whether at work, in a support group, with a friend or in a love relationship. Be aware when you feel the need to argue or take hold of a position of being “right”. It is at that moment you are operating from ego, from a sense of small self and letting go of the relationship. You need to have a default position but that position can’t be blocking you off from other, even higher and more expansive possibilities.

You can only be what you are willing to become. You can only become if you are willing to shift positions and perspectives — to be able to hold a position and be able to give up that position in order to be open to possibility. You cannot hold a firm position of being right and at the same time find a spiritual path to connection and intimacy in relationship.

In conclusion, the path to loving well necessitates dropping all of our egoic, self-centered agendas, old stories, and fears, so that we may see the other with “fresh eyes” and see “the raw, perfectly imperfect other, the sacred other,” just as he or she is. It is only then, when we embrace everything that stands between us, that we can enter the realness of our relationship and the realm of unimaginable possibilities.

Death is Eros – A Hospice Love Affair

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The dying process was, and continues to be a curious fascination and something always drew me in closer to try to understand some realm of the mystery. Dealing with loss and grief around the dying process has long been a part of my life. Witnessing, encouraging and being with feelings of grief, sadness, shame and anger from others when someone close was dying was always an easy thing for me. When others displayed resistance to be present with their feelings and present with the dying, it made it feel more of a natural place for me to operate from. This witnessing strengthened my ability to stay and be present with whatever was happening in my own emotional state and be present with others around me who were going through their own individual process. The time had come for me to spend more of my time with the dying and supporting the death and dying process for the families through Hospice work. Never in my life would I have anticipated having such a love affair like I am about to tell you about…

After many years of being a hospice volunteer I received a call from my coordinator saying they had a unique opportunity for me. I enjoyed getting those phone calls from hospice, when they found a client or a family who desired someone to come into their home to have conversation. I was presented with a very different situation… “Alice”…a 98yr old Jewish woman, lived in her own apartment, still had her complete wits about her, wasn’t afraid of speaking her mind and clearly expressed her desires to stay and live out her last days in her own home. The call came as Alice had just fired her previous volunteer. This volunteer reported back to Hospice that Alice’s apartment was little cluttered and dirty and placed a judgment on Alice’s living situation that should have been different then it really was. As it turned out, there really wasn’t an issue after all, only the volunteer’s lack of better judgment to respect Alice’s needs. When Hospice came in to investigate, Alice immediately got upset with the accusations from her volunteer and promptly fired them. After the investigation, Alice was asked if she wanted to try another volunteer and she had special requests after this situation…this time, Alice wanted a young and handsome man to come over to her home. It just so happened that I was the youngest hospice volunteer and just so happened to be a man. After I got the details of the situation I immediately knew this was an assignment for me, so I called Alice and arranged a time to pay her a visit.

Promptly on time I arrived at Alice’s apartment, was greeted by her caregiver, got introduced to Alice and was invited in to sit down. Immediately I could feel in the air that there was chemistry between the two of us. After talking for only a few minutes we discovered we had a lot in common, we both grew up in Jewish households, had an appreciation for music and dancing, loved spending time in the Catskills, and visiting Boston and New York City (where Alice grew up). Alice eventually moved to Maine with one of her five, yes FIVE, husbands she wound up burying over the course of her life. Alice made it really clear to me that she was going to be around for a while and wasn’t ready to go, no matter what anyone might have said to me. Alice had a zest for life that was unmatched by even some of the young people in my life, which was such a turn on for me. What humored me a lot was that Alice wanted to make sure I understood there was no way I was ever going to be able to keep up with her stamina for life. “Remember how many husband’s I buried”, she said. I always conceded while telling her that I could only do my best and try to go at her pace. “You can try, but remember the other men in my life couldn’t do it”, Alice would say. Alice didn’t waste any time deepening into the intimate spaces of her life during my first visit with her. Alice said she wanted me to do most of the talking the next time I came over. As I was soon to leave, I asked Alice “When do I get to see you again?”… And she proceeds to tell me how busy she is in her life and isn’t sure when or if she might have the time to see me. Resorting to a behavior that I am not familiar with…begging… “But, Alice, I would really like to see you again”, and after going around a couple times in my begging fashion, Alice conceded and allowed me to set up a time to come and see her the following week.

The commitment I make to my clients is to visit them once a week for at minimum of a couple of hours. Building a rapport, let alone an emerging intimacy like in this case with Alice, takes time and I pledge my devotion to make the connection happen! So, off I went to see Alice again. The time I spent with her this time was about listening to her life’s disappointments. Alice was disappointed with her family, with the rabbi’s at the temple’s she has paid dues to, disappointed that her husbands left her alone, unfulfilled expectations in her caregivers and even with the bigger hospice picture. After listening to her for what seemed to be a long while I questioned her, “Do you really want to take all this disappointment and resentment with you to the other side?”, and by me asking that question opened up the floodgates, “YOU HAVEN’T HEARD ANYTHING YET”, and off Alice went on additional rants about more disappointments in her life. It was then I realized what I was supposed to be doing with her. I was there to be a conduit, to receive Alice’s downloads of her life so she could at least minimize them inside her mind and let them go as she needed to into the universe. Following that realization…I sat in my chair, restructured my posture, put my two feet firmly flat on the floor which allowed her words and energy behind the words to pass through my body as I asked questions to try to get her to download even more of her anger, resentments and disappointments so she did not have to hold on to those negative energies anymore. It was such a holy and sacred way for me to be serving Alice as a receiver of her life’s disappointments, I was honored. My dance with Alice continued week after week, playing hard to get and being too busy to make additional plans to see me and making sure I knew there was no way I would ever be able to keep up with her.

My visits with Alice continued at least once a week and after about a month, evolved into sometimes twice a week. There were a couple of times I entered into Alice’s apartment when the hospice nurse was leaving and was told she would not make it through the weekend. I still came inside, sat by her bed, held her hand, told her I was there with her as she squeezed my hand back. Alice’s words were true, she was not ready to go and pulled through time and time again. During the next month or so, Alice experienced a series of mini strokes and every time she pulled through and came back home with very little evidence of having a stroke. It was obvious to me that God was not ready to have Alice just yet because she had some sort of unfinished business.

My connection and deepening intimacy with Alice continued as she made sure when I came over it was first to meet her family and then to hang out while her family was there. Maybe Alice was showing off her new “boyfriend” or maybe it was because I was providing some degree of comfort for everyone around because it was so stressful for the family to interact with each other in a loving and compassionate way. Alice scheduled my visits with her when she knew her family would be there and when I arrived, gave me center stage as she asked whoever was there in her home to clear a space so I could sit close to her. This was not a traditional hospice volunteer assignment and everyone in the room knew there was something more going on then just a hospice volunteer paying a visit. Alice continued playing hard to get with me and I played along.

Hospice would call me pretty regularly asking why I wasn’t going to see Alice? My initial response was smiles and laughter thinking that maybe Alice was really workin’ it to get me over to see her more and wasn’t able to tell me to my face. Imagining my laughter was confusing to hear on the other end of the phone, and after explaining myself, Alice was calling hospice as she was having ongoing memory issues to contend with following the strokes she was having. Alice was not remembering that I may have been there on the same day she was calling or that I may have been on my way over to see her. It was worth a good laugh and on the inside because I knew I was having this beautiful, erotic love affair with Alice, feeling her desire and longing to be with me. I was experiencing the adoration, love and commitment we had to each other through the final days of her life. It was really sweet!

Alice has her 99th birthday and was excited about celebrating with everyone in the building and she could care less about what people would think about me coming in to celebrate with her. Alice insisted on celebrating her life along with me, so she throws herself a party. Alice invited me to be there and, unfortunately, I was unable to go. One of the protocols in hospice is that we are not supposed to receive or give any gifts. I broke the rules and brought her a small bouquet of flowers before her party which went off without a hitch and was a sign that God was still not ready to take Alice away. From that point on I felt an increased commitment to Alice and would see her twice a week. I continued to be present through another series of mini strokes, through disagreements with her family and through a challenging time when her granddaughter came out to be a paid caregiver for her. It was obvious that there was tension between the two of them.

Another couple weeks went along before my phone rang, yet again, from Hospice. My eyes rolled in my head with a big smile as I anticipated what the familiar conversation was going to be. How wrong was I! Alice suffered another stroke and this time she needed more specialized after care. I got a call from the hospice social worker and she told me of the situation and asked if I could come over. I dropped whatever it was I was doing at that time and went to be with her. What happened was a shock to me, Alice was admitted to St. Joseph’s hospice suite… WHAT? “Uh Oh”, was my immediate reaction. A Jewish lady who was super clear she wanted to be at home and her family just admitted her to a catholic assisted living facility…OMG, I’ve never seen Alice this pissed off before in all the months I spent listening to her anger and disappointments. She was so pissed off that her entire family was there, the hospice social worker as well as the hospice volunteer coordinator. As soon as I walked in, Alice immediately called me over and wanted me to be at her side. When Alice’s anger had subsided, it was agreed by everyone to get all the necessary supplies to her home ASAP and she would get back there as soon as those supplies were in place. Alice was somewhat relieved while she asked me to take down the crucifix that was on the wall across from her bed. Little things do make all the difference sometimes. I told Alice I would come to visit her in a couple days after she got settled back at home and she was ok with that.

I arrived at Alice’s apartment a few days after the incident at St. Joseph’s and was greeted at the door by the hospice nurse, once again telling me they didn’t think she was going to make it through the day. I looked at them out of the corner of my eye with a look of “yea, right…not again?” yet this time they were serious. There was a brand new caregiver there who was not just new to the family, it was also her first ever assignment and was brand new to care-giving work. There was also a close friend of Alice’s in the room, the granddaughter of the 5th husband she buried, ShariLyne. As it turned out, ShariLyne was the one who took Alice to all her doctors’ appointments, to the grocery store, picking up her medications, etc. and she was the one who did a lot of the day-to-day necessities for Alice. I realized later that ShariLyne played an integral role in Alice’s life and especially during the last months of her life.

After walking in, Alice was all setup in her bedroom with all accouterments to keep her comfortable in her last days of life. She was going through periods of breathing and not breathing (called “apnea”). Alice was visibly unconscious. I pulled up a chair, grabbed her hand and started talking to her. I told her that she was home just like she wanted to be and that I was there with her and I wasn’t going anywhere, I was right where I wanted to be and did not want to be anywhere else. I spoke to Alice and reflected on our time together, the love we had for each other, how much I appreciated her tenacity for life, and the dancing we were doing together no matter what our age differences may have been. It was clear to me right then that Alice was well on her way to transitioning to the other side. I could feel the emotions welling up inside of me as I was holding her hand and hearing the low tones of the bit of conversation going on in the other room. Alice took her final breaths and passed on.

The new caregiver was a little freaked out by Alice’s passing and mentioned she had formal “protocol” following the death of a client. I asked her to wait a minute because Alice deserved an honoring of her life as I felt her presence still in the room. We all stood there around her bed and held a vigil, saying the things we needed to say to remember the beauty of the woman she is and and paying homage to such an amazing being. It was an amazing and magical time to be able to experience the deep appreciation and love for Alice while in attendance at the exact time of her death. After everything was said that needed to be said, the process was started, the phone calls made and people started to arrive… family, hospice, the ambulance and it was then I knew it was time for me to leave. I walked to the elevator, down to the ground floor, into my car and I lost it… all my emotion came rushing out of me, the tears and wailing poured out and I didn’t think there would be an end to it. I was paralyzed in my grief and sadness and I did not know where to go or what to do. I was fortunate enough to pick up my phone and call a couple of friends who I told what was going on and was able to land with them and they were able to hold me in my grief and my experience. Thank you Rosemary and Thank you Sharon!

I received a call from hospice the next day checking in on me and was so sweet. Being able to experience someone’s death like that is a rare occurrence for anyone and an even rarer one for a hospice volunteer. Alice’s family communicated through hospice that they wanted me to say a few words at her funeral and be a pallbearer. Everyone recognized the role I was playing with Alice at the end of her life and honored me with a beautiful gift to be able to have more intimate closure with the family funeral rituals and ceremonies rather than on my own with hospice. I was grateful to the family for that offering. I continue to tell this story about my love affair with Alice to new hospice volunteers and others who might be interested.

My love and deep admiration continues for Alice, for hospice, for the people who are drawn to the work and I take a lot of pleasure keeping Alice alive through telling this story.

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