It’s a glorious day here on Pattaya Beach. Spending New Year’s Eve morning at Laguna Beach resort at the pool and soaking in some sun before I go to the beach. It’s been such a wonderful time thus far here in Thailand and I’m looking forward to more exploration of this beautiful country.
After 3 ½ months of travel I still sometimes I feel like I’m not doing enough or seeing enough or taking advantage of what life has to offer when I’m in new places. It’s quite the spin that my mind can get me into when I don’t allow myself the time to just be and realize that I’m never going to see it all or do everything. It’s when this way of being comes into my awareness I know it’s time for me to get still so I can listen to the spirit within me. When I allow myself to do just that I’m always amazed the peace that comes over me in the acceptance of myself and what is.
Here I sit at the beach after about 10 days in Thailand on the eve of the new year and I read the fakebook and others writing about their new years resolution’s. I’ve never really been a resolution-ary. If there’s some change that I wanted to put into place in my life, I didn’t need the new year to make it happen. At the same time, I understand how new beginnings can make us reflect on our past and see how we might want to make a shift in our lives, to do something differently, to become the people we are meant to be, to realize our true nature. Whew… that was a mouthful. ????
I’ve always wanted to take some time off work and travel like this. Without having an itinerary and landing some place and seeing where interests/spirit/people/life takes me. And here I am doing it. I’ve always been the “different” one, even my mother has asked me since I’ve been young “why do you have to do these things or say things like that?”. I really have not allowed people or the culture to dictate to me what’s acceptable. I have gotten myself into some controversy in my work and in my relationships because I do things differently.
What’s next for me then? Don’t worry, I’m not suddenly going to align myself with mainstream cultural norms. Although, I will consider what might be next for me, especially when I arrive back home. But in the meantime, the new year is upon us and I contemplate and wonder as I sit with the breeze from the Gulf of Thailand in my face.
I LOVE the pleasures that are brought to the body… food, massage, the smells of my garden and sometimes I can go a bit overboard and make the wrong choices eating and drinking. I want to be more conscious in the choices I make for my body.
Service Work…
I believe it’s important to be of service to humanity. Getting involved with the Portland food council was my latest volunteer interest. I will continue to offer myself to Hospice work when needed and there’s a good match. And I will be the best teacher, coach and mentor that I can be to my students.
One of the questions we get asked upon our death is “How well did you love?”. What does it mean to “love well” in our relationships today? I’m not just talking about the love you find in Eros or erotic love… I’m talking about all the ways we love… from affectionate friendship (philia), to playful (ludus), to self (philautia) and selfless (agape) love. I will continue to make the commitment to learn and practice what it means to love well in all my relationships.
Vision/Seeing to End Suffering in Myself and Others…
The Buddha’s insight, in its concentrated form, is found in the Four Noble Truths (ariyasacca). They are the truth of suffering (dukkha), the causes of suffering (samudhaya) the method to end suffering (nirodh), and the Noble Eightfold Path that leads to the cessation of suffering (magga). The only thing that creates misery are my own thoughts, and those thoughts are the beginnings to actions. I will continue to practice my own seeing/vision of people in their perfection and know that any aversion is creating my own suffering.
I’d love to hear from you and what your commitments, intentions are for the new year.
Happy New Year Ya’ll!