Kindness, Good Nature, Affection, Generosity in Lima, Peru

It was unfortunate that I felt I had to leave Ecuador last minute. I believe it was a good decision as things have gotten worse. When I travel, I typically give myself a little time to research and investigate the next place I am considering traveling to. In this circumstance, I did not have the kind of time to do that. In fact, I had very little time. I was not planning or expecting to be in Peru at all. Due to what I would consider limited time. I only have about 10 weeks until I need to be back home to start my 24th year of teaching at the college. I was thinking I was going to stay in Colombia and Ecuador. I like to stay in a place and really soak in the culture and the people. Not just to see the touristy things and leave.

But, as my friend Kathryn “The Bag Lady”, who, BTW, has stage 4 cancer and refuses to stay at home and continues to travel, albeit through USA. She posts regularly on social media so I am not breaking any confidentiality, said to me… “Just take what the Universes puts in your path. That usually makes for the best adventure.” I truly just want to be here and let the rest unfold. The universe is doing just that whether I like it or not. It really is up to me to see all this for my benefit or choose negative thinking. Seems like a simple decision, right?

The universe is a stage
on which your mind dances with your body,
guided by your heart

I am remembering the saying, wherever you go, there you are. No matter the location. So here I am with the same body and mind no matter where I land. Unplanned and unexpectedly, now in Lima, Peru. I’ve been here for a week and preparing to go to Cuzco and Machu Pichhu as I write this. I didn’t have a particular drive to be here.

I’ve always known Lima is a place with a reputation of having wonderful food and restaurants. I have not been disappointed thus far. It’s all about corn, beans, rice, potato, and fish here… I am in heaven. Of course, you can find all the Amerikkan shit food like steaks and burgers and pizza, in addition to chifa (the word they use to say Chinese food) and other international options.

Immediately upon my arrival to Lima, Peru, I experienced such generosity and kindness from people. Charly, my taxi driver from the airport, took me to a place to get an inexpensive sim card for my phone because he did not want me to overpay (At the airport, they wanted to charge me over $100 to “rent” a sim card). Percy, the owner of the apartment I am staying, is a man in his 70’s, well-educated and travelled and offered me his time, conversation, and compassion for the position I am in having left a violent Ecuador at the last minute. Ana, who has been more than happy to show me around a bit and share with me all the nice places to eat. I have been overwhelmed with kindness and generosity that has come my way since I’ve been here in Lima. When love’s reciprocity is in action, the balance of giving and receiving where you can’t locate where you are in the cycle, I just melt. My heart is filled with gratitude.

I tear up just writing this. (I am sitting in a coffee shop in Cusco, Peru reflecting on my time in Lima)…

…to be continued

Nitrogen Ice Cream
Nitrogen Ice Cream

Let's Be Truthful IG post from restaurant