Love Has No Boundaries

quote-love-has-no-conditions-when-we-put-conditions-when-we-put-barriers-and-boundaries-then-chidanand-saraswatiWhen I’ve opened up and reveal my deepest insecurities and speak the truth
I feel extremely vulnerable
And to protect my heart, I may show up as judgmental, self-protected, critical and full of fear
If I can recognize that within myself
I hopefully will see it as a sign and opportunity for me
To look internally at the obstacles getting in my way for acceptance and to love

quote-do-not-allow-yourself-to-suppress-your-thoughts-instead-let-the-thoughts-come-before-rama-swamiIf I am fortunate enough to be with someone I care for and love
Who can read between the lines and recognize when my communication
Is fear based
They may not take them on personally or get defensive,
And I become blessed by that someone
Given another opportunity to clear those blockages to love
Finding my way back to express affection in ways of loving speech

purelovehasnoboundariesAny thoughts of my mind pointing outward is another sign
A tell-tale sign that I need to go inward, once again…the never ending voyage inward, again, and yet again
Because that’s where we all keep the valve of our history tightly covered up
Where buried things of the past are given a chance to take root if we let them
Trying to become fixtures of our false identity


These are the cries of the ego
The cries of the small self that only get louder and louder when its thoughts are fed to believe they are true
These thoughts get louder and louder, drowning out the whispers of love and the truth
When I allow and give myself the gift of quiet and stillness
I can begin to hear again the whispers of love in action


Is it really the sign I wait for, to get the permission to love I am waiting to receive from others?
There is no permission or any safety net to show my love
And to love bigger?

When will I realize that I no longer have anything to lose?
No attachment to any aspect of my self-identity…
No attachment to having to be seen a certain way…
Until I finally give myself permission to love again
Because I finally realize, once again that love has no boundaries
The false boundaries, only my mind and the ego creates them.