The union of the soul’s longing is found in love
Where doubts and fear are obstacles to hopes of being embraced by the beloved.
Pervasive as these fears may be, they are never permitted to take over the drivers seat
Always returning to one of human being’s greatest offerings, Love.
Acceptance, appreciation, compassion and kindness.
Yet I imagine and think things to be different sometimes
As if I think I might have some control over the direction of my life
The push and pull of my soul’s longing for union with its highest expression.
Or am I supposed to just trust and believe that, other than within myself,
Something mysterious out there has my best interest and knows what is best for me?
I am being taken care of. Am I being taken care of? In sickness and in health?
I am being provided for. Am I being provided the best spiritual and physical experience in life?
Will something NOT on this physical plane be a replacement or a substitution
For any of my thoughts or realizations
To educate me on
What love’s greatest offerings are to be?
When I consider any unfulfilled wishes in my life,
And my deep practices of detachment from desire and aversion,
Will I ever become fully aware of the benefits from understanding
That everything that has happened, and that is happening,
Is a perfect manifestation of divine love at work… just as it is?
And so I walk through all the storms
Thinking I’m preparing for a particular moment
Where I have to say yes to the one I know I have to love
Finding myself being held by everything, brave and courageous
With the visceral sights and smells of drowning
Finally, after all of these years and having experienced enough perceptions of drowning
I want to live and I want to love
And I will walk through any dangerous darkness
However mysterious and unknown it may be to take the one hand that I know belongs in mine.
The hand that is the desired one, the lover desiring
And looking into the great abyss itself…
Just out of reach, as I hear the beloved beckon..
Come into my arms, and fall in love with yourself and all of your world.
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