Spring/Summer 2024 – Chiang Mai, Thailand


I popped for the exit aisle seats for the 19 hours of airtime for the perceived idea of more comfort. Decided to splurge(?) on the third piece of luggage to fit in a little more of a lifetime’s worth of accumulations. 

What was I forgetting? Do I have all the paperwork I need? Are you sure you want to bring ALL your essential oils? But what about the ____ and the____ ….  After years of planning and months of packing, it was now all up to god or faith or whatever life’s mystery is to you. I’ve done enough. I have enough. Our world has enough. I am enough. 

It’s the tropics, it’s hot and the body is lovingly adjusting. The yoga practice is nice… Thank you Shannon. The items on the to-do lists have changed but it’s the same to-do list. Language barrier is the same. The rules are different but the bureaucracy is the same. 

It’s The Land of Smiles. Thailand!

Jet-Lag is Real

There were two back to back red eye flights. Attempted so called “snoozing” in the quiet room at a DOH layover. An expensive noodle bowl in BKK. 42 hours later. I arrived. 

The travel experiences were uneventful. I think we all can appreciate when things go smoothly when having to surrender to the air travel process. Smooth sailing. All the luggage arrived with everything in one piece. Yay!!

Could it be this easy? Is it supposed to be this easy? Sure, yes, my body is showing the wear and tear from being in a pressurized flying tin can for 19 hours. Along with a lack of sleep for a couple of days. And after all these years of traveling, this trip is flowing pretty well. Better than I could have expected.


30 years of stuff in 3 suitcases
Lifetime of stuff pared down to 3 suitcases

The paring down of a lifetime of accumulated material things is a process in itself. Renting a storage unit or storing things at a friend’s home was not on my radar. What personal belongings I chose to pack into 3 suitcases while in Maine was one moment. Once I arrived in Thailand, my eyes saw all this stuff in a different way. It wasn’t the same stuff when I packed all this shit up. 

I was fortunate to be able to land at a friend’s home for a week. A home full of life from 5 children growing up inside. A sense of grounding and structure. Much was accomplished. Meetings with visa agents, immigration, TM30, residency certificate, banks… And some random stops at a coffee shop or traditional market. I am grateful to have been hosted with such grace and generosity. 

The location was in a town called Hang Dong. About 25-60 minutes into town. Depending on traffic. Getting used to driving a motorbike on the opposite side of the road again. The location is a little bit further out than I would like. Although, the location was beautiful and quiet. On the foothills of Ob Khan National Park.


Fish in the refrigerator lasts only a few days. An expression used to describe the expiration date of having guests in your house. The irony is, the refrigerator broke. Not broken enough to melt the butter but, wouldn’t keep your beer cold either. Neither hot nor cold. Assisted in the replacement of said refrigerator before the summer parties.

I rented a townhouse for a couple of months. In Chiang Mai, in a busy area called Santitam. Closer to government offices, visa agents, and westernized consumerism. From here, to find accommodation for a longer term. Not too far from the old city of Chiang Mai, and not too close either. With just the right amenities. An outdoor Thai style kitchen, 2 bedrooms, an outdoor place to relax, with some peace and quiet. 


One of my biggest yearnings is for connection. In the multitude of forms connection comes in. From connection with the nurturing mother, from birth mother to earth mother. Connections with groups having a common goal. Connection between people disclosing their greatest triumphs and their biggest fears… a deep intimacy of feeling seen and heard by someone. How friends stay connected across time and miles. The connection when two human bodies merge together. Being of service to humanity connecting with selfless giving. Connection to spirit, god, universe, the great mystery.

It’s one of life’s greatest pleasures. To know you are making a difference in the world, to a cause, to someone’s life. The feeling of being connected to something greater than the self. The giving and receiving of care and love. These connections have represented some of the most satisfying times in my life. 

The merging and connecting of the inner/outer worlds. Yes, still an ongoing conversation of becoming undivided and more whole and integrated as a whole person. With cultural differences, language barriers and different life histories. 

How will new connections be created and cultivated here in Thailand? It’s a completely new way of life. 

A More Satisfying Phase of Life – Undivided (again)

In “The Second Mountain”, David Brooks writes, “The people who have been made larger by suffering are brave enough to let parts of their old self die. Down in the valley, their motivations changed. They’ve gone from self-centered to other centered. At this point, people realize, Oh, that first mountain wasn’t my mountain after all. There’s another, bigger mountain out there that is actually my mountain. The second mountain is not the opposite of the first mountain. To climb it doesn’t mean rejecting the first mountain. It’s the journey after it. It’s the more generous and satisfying phase of life.”

I noticed the many different parts of myself at work as my life became much simpler with less responsibilities. Cook/Chef, Professor, Saponify-er, Mycologist, Cyclist, Son/Brother, Traveler, Overthinker, Friend, Sensualist, among many others. But, who am I now? Today? As opposed to yesterday?

Part of life’s satisfying journey is the ongoing integration of the parts of self. Ending separations. Becoming more whole, rather than split into many hidden parts. Integrating the ignored parts of our life’s experiences. Being true to ourselves. Opens up more of the channels of life to experience. More aware of practicing what you preach. Small self to true self to unique self. Service to humanity. Generosity of heart.