To Loving Well

we-don-t-learn-to-love-each-other-well-inMy sharp edges are being rounded off, like a carpenter’s chamfer
Softening, weathered by wisdom of the ages, being still, accepting
Knowing there is nothing to lose anymore
Other than my body, back to the earth

Whom might I think to identify myself as, the words describing personality, career, my existence
Any attachment to understand myself, matters not
Only how I can give from the depths of my heart back to myself and to others, because
Love knows no limits or boundaries created by the mind

I need nothing in return from my offerings, only a remembrance,
That any voice of inadequacy, needing or wanting
Comes from a place of contraction inside my small self, hopefully temporarily,
Only to be removed by the hearts longing
To transmit the love that’s meant to travel through, as me.

The quiet solitude of lands lightly traveled
Brings delight to all of my senses
Realizing and knowing I am blessed to be moving and exploring the earth
Grateful for the gifts the mother has to offer and to be a fortunate participant .

The sounds of silence brings my mind into stillness
Reminding me of how insignificant any thought I may have
The dramatic change of seasons and tides are constant reminders of
The ebb and flow of the life I want to be comfortable living… never stagnant, forever changing

The tears well up in my eyes full of realizations and gratitude for a well lived life
Making and appreciating the time for self-reflection
Along with the beauty of connection to the land, others and the spirit within
And dreaming in the possibilities of fulfilling the next desire

Blessed to have people reveal themselves to me in my life, as a reminder
To graciously receive the love I strive to so generously give and
Continuing to open myself, wider, even wider to find deeper and even more
Depths to the unending love that I have to give.

Within the mother, the earth, Gaia, I can always have faith in her gifts
Emerging, once again, birth and death, and repeating the process, continuously,
Becoming one with her and with myself, again and again
Bringing me back in connection with the laws of nature, my true self, realizing the best self I can be.
Never having to imagine there is a possibility that I can get even better.

My day to day life requires the time to pause, to breathe to stop
To stop the thinking mind who thinks it knows better than the heart
Not allowing the self to travel with the minds thoughts
Because the mind is for creativity and realizing the truths of the heart
The mind and its thoughts aren’t the truths
Only the language of the heart knows the truth

forgivemeI yearn to be met in the place of the truth of the heart
Beating heart to beating heart, nothing else is really acceptable
Mistakes and errors will be made, and I need to give myself the permission for that to be OK
To allow errors to be corrected and forgiven, corrected and forgiven, … any perfection is unattainable

Perfection means to make room for forgiveness and the making of space for the correction of errors
The practice of forgiving myself, ourselves… and therefore… extending forgiveness to others
Being human means imperfection
And the willingness to come back to love

Time after time, any negative self-thought I have of myself or
My ego’s contraction that takes me out of love
Needs to be only ever so briefly engaged, realized and curiously looked at
Would a hawk ever lose patience waiting for the next meal?
Coming back to the present form, knowing… knowing only love is the truth

Even those temporary attacks on myself in judgment of being too much or not enough
Helps my realization of how I am a creature of judgement because
I carry inside of myself a hidden and protected place of past hurts that only want to be released
To heal them and not be dragged around by those memories

Seeing any of my minds critical and judgmental attacks, within or without,
Are only a disguise of asking for help
A reaching out for help, for directions, to find my way back home… back to love
Because sometimes, we all need reminders of how to get back to home
To the place of the practice, of what it means and looks like to be…

Loving Well.


  1. Maurice

    From my friend R.S.E.

    On ~ To Loving Well

    I will response with a part of something I read last night at a reading~

    What I do know is that Love is a gift
    A mystery not to be taken lightly
    That we need to wrap those we care about in its Magic
    Letting them be who they are, every Breath

    What I also know without doubt is that Love does not hurt
    It may pain us, it may cause us oceans of Grief
    It may drop us to our knees in prayer
    We may be broken open in ways we never knew could happen

    I know too, that Love invites us to be our best,
    To be there to lift up, enhancing
    To hold a hand, listen to tears and Laughter
    To release another when it is time for letting go, that they may unfold

    …my love to you Always Always ~