Trusting & Allowing Guidance from the Universe – Medellin, Colombia

The universe is always speakingThe topic of “What the universe put in front of us/you/me” has been occupying some space in my head recently. My thoughts have been unclear about how to write about it and my thoughts still aren’t cohesive. Maybe that is the point with this particular topic? It’s one of the reasons I like to travel as I do. With a one-way ticket and little itinerary to follow… it allows me the possibility to stay open to other possibilities of what the universe might place in front of me… people, places, messages, desires, the physical body, intuition, spirit, dreams, etc.

If (& when) I can open to trusting and allowing the guidance of what the universe puts in front of me, I would hope to be able to pivot and reposition myself towards the life I want to live. Not the life I had expectations of living. Being open means to be aware of some of the synchronicities that happen in life. The things that may not make any sense but may have some meaning.

    • Why was it so timely Ecuador had civil unrest and riots which told me it was time to leave and go to Peru?
    • What is it about the synchronicity of certain music that showed up on a random playlist that Spotify makes for me every day?
    • How is it that the people with the “right” qualities show up in my life at some predestined time?
    • Why is it that the numbers 12/13 have continued to show up during my time in South America?
    • How come I get calls from my father NOW that I am out of the country when he hasn’t called me in years?
    • What is the universe trying to tell me by putting specific people on my path during this time away?

Listen to the universeThere are messages everywhere. It is how I allow myself to sit and be still, to open myself and be willing to be to see the messages and to write about them. A lot of this is very personal to me and I’m not sure how much detail I am going to get into on a public forum like this blog. There are a couple of things I am willing to share.

I made this last-minute decision to take a cruise to the Galapagos. Upon my arrival there is this man who has a striking resemblance to my deceased maternal grandfather. One look at this man and I can see my grandfather behind his eyes… his softness, his kindness, and his sense of humor. I was on the cruise with my grandfather. There was also another man who was working the bar on the cruise, at first look at him I saw my deceased friend Vaidas. This man was dapperly dressed and loved to be around people and make them laugh and happy. Just like my friend Vaidas. How does this happen? A couple of my favorite people in my life who are dead show up on my Galapagos cruise? Makes me feel a bit crazy and at the same time I felt protected and loved by having these strangers around me.

Another example was during my time in Machu Picchu. I get off the train and walk into Aguas Calientes, Perú to meet a guide for the trek. I see all of these uniformed people with official badges and patches on their cleanly pressed clothing and assume that it would be of those people. I was a bit shocked to see a man with torn jeans and regular pedestrian clothing holding my name on a sign. As we make our introductions and I ask about him and how he got to be doing this work, I am told I am meeting a 3rd generation Peruvian shaman whose calling was to teach people about the history of the Inca people in which he is a descendant. In all my study of non-duality in the mystical traditions, I am now being presented by this Peruvian shaman teachings of duality and how approximately 800 people managed to thrive on this little piece of land. What is the message here? I believe it is to embrace the dualities and realize what Bob Marley said… One love, one heart. One earth and we are all the same.

What is synchronicityAnother example… Many of you do not know there was a change in my job responsibilities. Yes, I am still a culinary arts faculty but, I was offered to teach different classes and do some administrative work. I am going to spare you all the details of how this came about. This offer was not anticipated, and a job change that I did not want. When this offer was presented and recommended to me by my boss, I was completely surprised and needed some time to think about it and talk to some people. I have been openly expressing myself that I think my time in academics is complete after 23 years and my desire to retire at the official 25 year mark. The problem is that if I leave my job now, I would walk away from significant economic benefits because I’ve been at this job for almost a quarter century. So, I feel a bit tied down at the moment. After sitting with all of this and running it by my people… the messages were clear… to accept this new job even though there was a voice inside of me saying “NO”, don’t do it. The last year at my job has not been an easy one but, I am learning to adjust and adapt to this new way of being. I am grateful to have this situation to practice with no matter what the voices in me are trying to say.

I could keep going on with examples… so I’ll make this my last one… songs and lyrics. Music has been a driving force for as long as I can remember. Ever since streaming music began on the internet, I was a subscriber. I love Spotify and the way it creates playlists for me every day and a new discovery playlist. I get exposed to new music while I get to listen to the ones I have favorited. The other day this song came on and it was very timely. The lyrics go something like this…

I better give my heart a listen
And my preacher say …
All of your demons will wither away
Ecstasy comes and they cannot stay
You’ll understand when you come my way
‘Cause all of my demons have withered away

What is this message? Follow your desires, dreams, and pleasure, and all of your suffering will wither away.

My wish and prayer for us all is… to make the time for stillness so we are able to listen to the whispers of our desires the messages from the universe.