Trying to come home…

posted in: Adventure, Poetry 0

Buddha & Mermaid

No, thank you,

I don’t want a conversation about the sport teams you like

While you lecture me about the political climate in the USA

And climate change

And plastic bags

And immigration vs racism


I don’t really think your bank account or your car

Proves much

And your art collection

Is a living piece of voodoo.


Many years ago

You were so busy

Making money and furthering your career

And establishing your perch

In the pecking order

Of society


Rolling your eyes

At us dreamers, tree huggers and lovers


Now, it is so very easy

For you to get and be appalled

By it all because,

It’s all the rage to be upset

Which costs you nothing

And any idiot can see the obvious

And not do anything but complain about it


And it was a shock to


Who was watching

When people voted in bullies, haters and supremacists’

As leaders of the free world

To demonstrate

How we are truly NOT free



You do get

The government and leaders you deserve

And until YOU

Are willing to admit that you too

Have prospered from all this


And thievery

And benefit to your social class

And the accumulation of your stuff


I would rather

Have a lobotomy

Performed by aboriginal people in the wild

Then take your advice and ingest your medicine

Of wine and concentration camp chicken salad