Today is the fifth day on the road. I’ve really been taking it easy and not driving all day. Stopping when I need to take a break and seeing the things that I would like. The United States has its beautiful places just like other parts of the world. And the world is a bit off kilter with the covid19 pandemic.
I thought if I got off the eastern seaboard and into the middle of the country where the places are less populated things would be a bit easier. Boy, was I wrong in my thinking? When I arrived in Asheville, NC I thought my premonitions were correct. That was until I got to the Great Smokey Mountains in Tennessee. OMG, the roads are crowded, and the adjoining towns are packed. It’s like any beachfront town in the heart of the summer. UGH!
Hot Springs, Arkansas
I was excited to get to the hot springs in Arkansas. To sit in the baths and take a shower. Unfortunately, covid is taking its toll here in the Hot Springs National Park. There are very limited places for hot springs and if I stayed a few more days I could get in. There are lots of closed businesses and limited occupancy in the pools and hotels. So, I walk around this town wondering what to do next. I’m a bit perplexed what my next move is. So I write.
It’s taken me 5 days to travel 1700 miles. Which really isn’t too bad in terms of taking my time. When I went to Asia, I said I wanted to stay longer in one place than I was comfortable with. This was not my intention in what I was doing here. My intention was to not have an agenda, no reservations and no plan. Making my way to see my father and to the four corners area (UT, AZ, CO and NM) to meet some friends. I love the desert and the dry heat.
Hospitality Industry
The hospitality industry is hurting. Restaurants do not have enough workers. People are still scared around covid. Prices and inflation are on the rise. This is not just happening in Maine, but wherever I have been.
There are crowds everywhere and they are not able to get the services they desire due to this tough time in hospitality.
The Van…
The van is working out pretty good. I ran into a bit of an issue with the mattress. In attempt to get a quality mattress I had to cut the latex memory foam. I did an “ok” job with it but not spectacular. I wound up putting the three pieces into a L.L.Bean fleece sleeping bag. That is working out much better. I’m sleeping ok in the van. The nighttime temperatures are cool enough, and I have plenty of space to sleep.
The solar setup is a learning experience. I wanted to be able to have a house/service battery that is charged by the starter battery/alternator or a 120v outlet from a power inverter. To be able to charge the tablet, toothbrush, lights, vent fan and a small refrigerator. The setup went pretty well. I’m learning how to operate the battery monitor. Its not looking like the house battery is being charged but the other monitor says it is being charged. I have a 300w power inverter to charge things from the starter battery.
I hope to get a call from the company I bought all the equipment from to hopefully work some of this out.
What’s next?
When I was towards the end of my time in Asia I got food poisoning. During those few days I was recovering, my thoughts went to going home. That I had enough of the travel and it was time to get back. I was uncomfortable then. I am uncomfortable now.
It’s just funny to me how this country I live in has become all about the creation and obtaining creature comforts, collecting of “stuff” and avoiding the uncomfortable.
Just because I am uncomfortable does not mean I have to high tail it back home. I don’t want to be in my home. I spent enough time there in the last year.
Just because someone is uncomfortable does not mean that we need to make them comfortable and fix what is going on. Things will change, just sit, breathe and wait.
More will be revealed in time