My Intentions in the Release of Facebook


facebook, no thanksI remember the day I signed up for Facebook (Fakebook/FB). My wife had just walked out on me, abandoning our marriage and I was in the airport about to go to Colorado to visit my family for some solace. Something felt to me like the Fakebook was a way to feel connected to people. I embraced its use for a long while. Both, for a genuine use of staying connected to certain circles I belong to and a way to stay in touch with people who were at far distances. As I’m sure others have experienced, FB also has its moments of promoting untruths, being a time sucker while draining some life out of me. My choice had been to stay up until this point. Times have changed. And I need to make my own intentional changes happen. The Fakebook needs to go!

Can there be a threat to humanity in the use of social media? Does the use of social media alter peoples’ behavior? Creating corruption and misinformation to promote certain personality types as acceptable? Just look at what happened with Kanye West, Trump and now Elon Musk. When will it be possible, once again, to participate in a collaborative and cooperative environment? To have communication happen in an honest and straightforward way? I don’t have the answers to these questions but, my need to remove myself from social media must happen.

In all this time since being connected with FB I have done a lot in my life … retreat centers, workshops, seminars, sabbatical, lots of travel, classes & certifications, job changes, etc. FB has been a platform which allowed people to stay in touch, share pictures and have online chats/video. This is the part I am most ambivalent about. Staying connected with these people from all over the world. Am I just making up a story which says I am staying connected to people through a device rather than something more real? Can you feel my ambivalence in that question?

Ciao FacebookSo much has changed in the last few years, both inside me and the outside world. I had a sabbatical that altered the path my life. My father had a series of strokes that directed the course of his life’s. My family completely fell apart from reasons of addiction, deceit, and betrayal. The job I had for over two decades was altered from within the organization, which I voluntarily accepted. A worldwide pandemic. Political division in the country I was born in which I no longer feel a part of. Losing friends who were unable to flow with me. With all these changes, I continued to lean on FB. After many years, I realized I was in an illusory relationship with social media, Facebook primarily. For some reason Instagram seems more tame and less tumultuous. It’s time to walk away from the Fakebook.

What’s next?

It’s what I am asking myself. Many years ago, I decided I was going write and began journaling and blogging … no matter how painful, which writing still is sometimes for this math/science mind of mine. When I am traveling it was amazing how much time I had time to write, more time than I imagined. Life is way simpler when I am traveling, and I want more of that in my everyday life. It’s time to do that now! It’s time to make that happen! Yet, something must be different. My intentions need to be the driving force. What are they going to be, Maurice?

Moving forward, my intentions are going to be (subject to change):

• Make some changes on that moves away from any attachment to how I may identify myself … chef-ing images need be balanced out with other images that represent my life a little bit better.

• Use Instagram to share some minor photos of day to day stuff, finding the humor in some of the reels like tavin_dillard, and use my website for writing.

• Stop watching video news media. Deciphering what is real and truthful news and what spin the media wants people to believe is difficult these days. It’s best just to stay away from it. I will read a few articles in the newspapers but, that’s about it.

• My writing needs to demonstrate…

  • Openness to life, vulnerable expressions, being who I am, presenting both my positive and negative qualities, the light and dark, all which exists in ourselves and the world
  • Letting go of grasping to beliefs that brings me reassurance I am ok
  • Write in first person… “I”, “me”, “we”, “us”, “our”, to tell a story from my perspective.
  • Expose hidden faults and self-deceptions I had about myself – as much as I am willing to put out there on the internet. No matter how insane or crazy I feel.
  • Find the open space that brings clarity of mind into my writing

Stay in the loop

I only want what’s real … Real connections to real people who desire to not be hiding behind computers and devices. To follow my photo and writing activities, I suggest signing up for my blog as I will be putting links to more complete photo albums in addition to my writing. I promise not to fill your email box with excessive junk.

Insofar as the Ultimate, or the true nature of being is concerned, there are neither Buddhas nor demons.
He who frees himself from fear and hope, evil and virtue, will realize the insubstantial and groundless nature of confusion.